Artist Spaces - Maritime Lane Collective @ Quality Yard
The Artist Studios in Maritime Lane are now fully occupied. Keep an eye on this page, or register an interest to be kept in the loop.
These studio spaces range from 2m x 3.2m at £115 a month to 2.2m x 1.5m for £60 a month. All have a 3 month initial lease term, which will then run from month-to-month. Tenancy is conditional on active use of the studio spaces. All artists will have the free use of the gallery area for exhibitions.
The studio spaces are for practicing artists and artisans. Failure to make regular use of the space may result in notice being served, after the initial 3 month term. The spaces are not to be used exclusively for storing artworks or art equipment!
The new studio configuration includes a small exhibition gallery space offering 10m wide by 2.4m high wall space over approximately 12 square metres (128 square feet) of floor space. This area is free to use by all the artists in residence for solo shows and open studios exhibitions. The cost of studio rental includes heat, light, water, and buildings insurance. Access to the studios is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The Gallery Area will also be available for a 3 day weekend hire from Friday noon - Monday noon for £120 with £80 deposit for external artists or photographers wanting to exhibit in the historic centre of Leith.